不正当的性行为 Definitions

不当性行为包括未经他人同意或在个人无法自由表示同意的情况下对他人实施的各种行为. 相应的, Polk State will not tolerate any form of sexual misconduct, 包括性侵犯, 性骚扰, 性剥削, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力, 和被人跟踪. All forms of sexual misconduct are serious offenses with serious 后果.

It is important to know the following terms and definitions to keep your friends, 家庭, 自我保护.

  1. 不正当的性行为

    不当性行为包括未经他人同意或在个人无法自由表示同意的情况下对他人实施的各种行为. Anyone can be a victim regardless of their gender, age or sexual orientation. Sexual misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following prohibited behaviors:

    • 性骚扰
    • 性侵犯
    • 性剥削
    • 家庭暴力
    • 约会暴力
    • 跟踪
  2. 同意

    同意 is an informed decision made freely and actively by all parties. 如果没有明确的口头或非口头同意,行为将被视为“未经同意”. 因为不当性行为被定义为未经同意的性行为, each participant must obtain and give consent to each sexual act.

    同意 is an affirmative decision to engage in mutually acceptable sexual activity, and consent is given by clear actions or words. 人们被强烈鼓励在任何性行为之前和过程中互相交谈. Relying solely upon non-verbal communication can lead to miscommunication.

    应当指出,在某些情况下,个人自由同意的能力被另一个人或环境剥夺. 例如,当一个人因酒精或其他药物而严重受损时, 害怕, 身体的强迫, 晕了过去, 受到恐吓的, 强迫, mentally or physically impaired, 殴打, 威胁, 孤立的, 或限制.

    如果精神残疾的人不能理解性行为,他们就不能同意性行为, 自然, 后果, risks; including both positive and negative or extent of the sexual situation in which they find themselves. 非残疾的性伴侣必须知道(或合理地知道)受害者的精神残疾, in order to hold them responsible for the violation.

    The following serves to clarity these points:

    • 同意 is required each and every time there is sexual activity;
    • At any and all times when consent is withdrawn or not verbally agreed upon, the sexual activity must stop immediately;
    • 同意某些程度的性活动并不意味着同意所有程度的性活动. Each new level of sexual activity requires consent;
    • 发起新层次性活动的人有责任征求同意;
    • 与发起人(或其他任何人)目前或以前的约会或性关系不构成同意;
    • Being intoxicated does not diminish one’s responsibility to obtain consent;
    • Bodily movements and non-verbal responses such as moans are not consent;
    • Silence, passivity, or lack of active resistance is not consent;
    • Intentional use of 酒精/drugs does not imply consent to sexual activity;
    • Seductive dancing or sexy/revealing clothing does not imply consent to sexual activity;
    • Anyone under the age of 16 cannot give consent;

    Use of agreed upon forms of communication such as gestures or safe words is acceptable, 但在发生性行为之前必须经过各方的讨论和口头同意

  3. 使无能力

    Incapacitated persons cannot give consent. 因饮酒或吸毒而丧失行为能力的人(自愿或非自愿), 或者谁是无意识的, 不知道, 或者是无助的, is incapable of giving consent. 一个人不得与他知道(或应该合理地知道)无行为能力的人进行性活动. 当身体上无行为能力的人没有能力理解情况涉及性的事实时,他们被认为是无行为能力的人或给予有效同意的人, 和/或不能理性合理地理解这种情况的性质和程度.


    Examples of incapacitation include:

    • 无意识的;
    • 睡觉;
    • 受惊的;
    • Physically or psychologically pressured or forced;
    • 恐吓;
    • 威胁;

    使无能力 can also result from:

    • A psychological health condition;
    • A physiological health condition;
    • 自愿中毒;
    • Involuntary use of any drug, intoxicant or controlled substance;
  4. 性骚扰

    Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other harassing conduct of a sexual 自然 whether intentional or not. Sexual harassment occurs when:

    • 对不受欢迎的性行为的服从被明确或暗示地作为个人在课程中的就业或地位的条款或条件, 程序, or activity; or
    • Submission to/or rejection of the unwelcome conduct of a sexual 自然 by an individual is used as the basis for an academic or employment-related decision affecting such an individual; or
    • The unwelcome conduct of a sexual 自然 is sufficiently severe, 持续的, or pervasive as to substantially limit or interfere with an individual’s work, 教育的表现, participation in extra-curricular 活动, or equal access to the University’s resources and opportunities; or
    • Such contact creates an intimidating, 充满敌意的, 或者虐待生活, 工作, or educational environment.
    • Sexual violence is a form of 性骚扰. 性暴力是指违背个人意愿或因受害者使用毒品而无法给予同意的身体行为, 酒精, 或残疾. Physical sexual acts include rape, sexual assault, sexual battery and sexual coercion.
  5. 性侵犯


    Non-consensual sexual contact is:

    • Any intentional sexual touching;
    • 然而轻微;
    • With any object or body part;
    • By a person of any gender, age or sexual orientation;
    • 这是未经同意的.

    Non-consensual sexual penetration is:

    • Any sexual penetration (anal, oral, vaginal);
    • 然而轻微;
    • With any object or body part;
    • By a person of any gender, age or sexual orientation;
    • 这是未经同意的.
  6. 性剥削

    性剥削是指一个人为了自己的利益而在未经同意的情况下或不公正地从他人身上获得性利益, or to benefit another other than the one being exploited.

    Examples of 性剥削 include, but are not limited to:

    • Non-consensual video, photographing, or audio-taping of sexual activity;
    • 未经同意分发性活动的录像、照片或录音;
    • Non-consensual photographing of nudity;
    • Non-consensual distribution of a nude photograph;
    • 超出了双方同意的界限(比如让你的朋友躲在壁橱里观看你们两厢情愿的性行为);
    • Engaging in peeping or incident exposure;
    • Inducing incapacitation through 酒精 or drugs in order to sexually assault another person (whether or not sexual contact actually takes place); an example could include spiking someone’s drink.
  7. 家庭暴力

    家庭暴力的定义是由受害者的现任或前任配偶实施的暴力, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, 以配偶身份与受害人同居或曾与受害人同居的人,或地位与受害人相似的人, 或受家庭或家庭暴力法保护的任何其他人.

    Domestic violence can include:

    • Physical assault (such as shoving, kicking or punching)
    • Verbal abuse (such as belittling or calling names)
    • Controlling behavior (such as not letting the victim see friends and/or 家庭, telling the victim what to wear)
    • Sexual abuse (such as forced kissing, hugging or sexual contact)
    • 心理虐待(例如威胁要伤害受害者或家人或朋友,或灌输恐惧)
  8. 约会暴力

    约会暴力被定义为与受害者有或曾经有浪漫或亲密社会关系的人实施的暴力. The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors: the length of the relationship; the type of relationship; the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.


    约会暴力 can include:

    • Physical assault (such as shoving, kicking or punching)
    • Verbal abuse (such as belittling or calling names)
    • Controlling behavior (such as not letting the victim see friends and/or 家庭, telling the victim what to wear)
    • Sexual abuse (such as forced kissing, hugging or sexual contact)
    • 心理虐待(例如威胁要伤害受害者或家人或朋友,或灌输恐惧)
  9. 跟踪


    a) fear for his or her safety or the safety of others; or

    b) suffer substantial emotional distress.

    网络跟踪是另一种形式的跟踪,一个人利用互联网从事一系列行为, 电子邮件, or other electronic communications devices to pursue or track another person that would cause a reasonable person to: a) fear for his safety or the safety of others; or b) suffer substantial emotional distress.



    • 不想要的电话
    • Unwanted letters, 电子邮件s, social messages (e.g. twitter, 脸谱网) or other forms of communication/messaging
    • Unwanted or threatening gifts
    • Pursuing or following a person without his or her consent
    • Unwanted appearances at a person’s place of residence, school, or work
    • Surveillance or other types of observation
    • Use of electronic devices or software to track or obtain private information